Through phenotypic analysis, GemPharmatech has also confirmed the incidence and development of numerous model-related phenotypes,
providing solid support for the research of various diseases.
Our NCG portfolio is one of the most comprehensive sets of immunodeficient mouse models available for both non-profit and for-profit users, making it ideal for cancer immunotherapy research using cell derived xenograft (CDX), patient derived xenograft (PDX), and immune system reconstitution using human peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) as well as human hematopoietic stem cells (HSC). NCG and all strains of next-generation NCG mice are developed using gene editing technology on pure inbred NOD/ShiLtJGpt background, by knocking out the Prkdc (Protein kinase, DNA activated, catalytic polypeptide) and Il2rg (interleukin-2 receptor subunit gamma) genes. Currently, we have more than 100 cell derived xenografts (CDXs) to accompany our NCG strains utilized in preclinical efficacy and safety studies.
GemPharmatech's ambitious Knockout All Project (KOAP) aims to create knockout (KO) and conditional knockout (cKO) mouse strains for all ~23,000 protein coding genes in the mouse genome. Our specialized gene editing platform enables the production of over 6,000 new mutant strains annually, generating KO and cKO mice quickly and efficiently. To date, we have successfully targeted nearly 10,000 genes, providing researchers with knockout mouse models and conditional knockout mouse models for a wide range of research fields, including oncology, autoimmunity, metabolism, and neurodegeneration. Our ultimate goal at GemPharmatech is to provide our customers with the best mouse tools to accelerate their biomedical discovery and drug development.
Germ-free (GF) mice are laboratory animals that have no detected living organisms (including any microorganisms or parasites) internally or externally, based on the currently available detection methods. Compared to conventional SPF mice, GF mice require more rigorous microbial control of microorganisms, and the maintenance of GF mice is technically more challenging due to the requirements for specialized environment and equipment. In comparison to conventional SPF mice, GF mice exhibit notable physiological and morphological changes, such as an enlarged cecum, thinned intestinal musculature, shrunken liver and heart, weakened innate immune response, and high susceptibility to microbial infections. With the growing interest into microbiome research in recent years, especially the rapid expansion of gut microbial research, GF mice are an increasingly important tool. GemPharmatech has developed advanced breeding systems for GF mice, in order to meet the needs of academic and industry researchers and supply GF mice in large quantities. In addition to conventional inbred and outbred GF strains, genetically modified strains, such as the immunodeficient NCG and NCG-X and B6-Il10 mouse model for inflammatory bowel disease are available.
Genetic engineering with the Cre-lox system is a powerful and indispensable method to unveil gene function, especially in model animals. GemPharmatech has generated more than 200 Cre and 9 Dre/DreER mouse strains which have been carefully designed for efficient and reliable Cre-mediated recombination in vivo.For Cre recombination in an inducible manner, we offer over 50 inducible CreER strains for your research. In addition to our Cre portfolio, we also have mouse strains expressing Dre recombinase. The Dre-rox system can be used in combination with Cre-lox system, allowing for manipulation of gene expression within multiple subpopulations of cells. Combination of our Cre strains and the library of over 10,000 cKO strains in our KOAP portfolio supports a vast array of scientific exploration and research needs. The tool mouse family also includes 4 Flpo-expressing strains, which enable FRT site-directed recombination in a similar manner.
GemPharmatech is a leading provider of genetically engineered mouse models (GEMMs) and services to global preclinical R&D communities. We specialize in developing animal models using cutting-edge gene-editing technologies with a large collection of KO/KO (conditional knockout/knockout) mice, humanized mice, immunodeficient mice, and germ-free mice.